Accounting and ERP Software for Small Businesses
Accounting is the lifeblood of any business and primary tool company management as well as outside stakeholders get key data and financial info on company operations.
Every transaction that happens within a company can be tracked into a ledger that produces real-time financial statements and reporting.
Without it, a company is lost and has no idea whether it is on course or not.
At Chicago Business Software, a CPA will first sit down with you and learn about your company, your Accounting and Reporting needs not only now but in the next 5 years. Every company is different, so Accounting software is definitely not an all size fits everyone.
We then will put together the right system you need and let you test drive and evaluate it before purchasing. As part of our implementation plan, we will also train your staff on using your new software and import much of your current system data into the new program, saving you hours of re-keying.
Post installation, we provide industry-leading technical support, without any "per incident" or "per call" limits.
Book a call today for your free meeting and software demo!